Foire aux questions

Q1: Is the formation provided by Qiseido a professional formation, with required formality and discipline, or is it a formation geared to personal development?
A1:  The meaning of a communication depends upon the recipient.  Student freely set their commitment and their journey based on the Qiseido offering.

The Qiseido formation modules adhere to the requirements established by the FFST for the professional certifications.  

The education is complete and it deepens knowledge: the various subjects inter-relate.  The evaluation of acquired knowledge occurs regularly and is rigorous.  That is proposed to the professional formation candidates.

This qualification enables the exercise of shiatsu practitioner career, is covered by insurance, certificated by the FFST and by several European organisms.

At the same time, the program respects the learning speeds and the ability of students to commit themselves.  It is also possible to participate in the classes given by Qiseido with a goal of personal development, provided that the necessary efforts are given. 

When the target is not a professional qualification, the participants gauge their efforts, measure their commitments and participate or not in the evaluations of the knowledge they have acquired (tests and exams).    

Reminder: Enjoyment and sincerity are important values for Qiseido.

Q2: How long does it take to complete a qualifying formation?
A2:  The FFST sets a minimum of 3 years, based on the schedules currently used:  evening classes and/or weekend to meet the required 500 hours (for lessons with a teacher) and sufficient time for personal practices, to let the art of Shiatsu become clearer with maturity.     

Past exam results tend to show that 4 years is the average length of time for students to be able to take the exam.   

Note that the requirements are phased in: the participants determine on their own how fast their want to learn and apply themselves accordingly.  They will choose when to take classes in Traditional Chinese Medicine, anatomy and physiology.  They participate in them-based seminars as they choose.

Q3: Are the formations at the same level as those of a physiotherapist or an osteopath?
A3:  Shiatsu, like Traditional Chinese Medicine or Acupuncture, is not a discipline required by the French state and the certification is not a diploma granted by the State.  Therefore, it is not possible to compare various formations based on statute.  From the viewpoint of formation content, the ones for physiotherapist or osteopath require a greater number of hours of presentations, with important physical practices aimed at repairing, healing and resetting hurt bodies.

The education is provided to the public in a first professional qualification (je ne comprends pas et par consequent, la traduction ne marche pas.  Remplace the mot “first” avec le mot “second”: que veut dire la phrase?  Je ne sais pas ce que ca veut dire et le lecteur anglophone ne saura pas non plus), during the week and full-time, whereas Shiatsu is most often taught in evening classes or on weekends, based on the students’ employment requirements.    

More specifically, Shiatsu addresses knowledge of energy, using the principles of MTC enriched by Japan input.  From that viewpoint, knowledge in anatomy and physiology are important foundations though they do not equate the requirement levels for physiotherapists and osteopaths. 

Thus and by focusing of prevention through non-intrusive manual pressures, Shiatsu enables intervention ahead of time by pushing back pathologies or reducing their effects.  It is therefore part of complementary and accompanying therapies.  It is never a substitute for a classical medical therapy.  It allows greater well-being and is part of a road to good physical, psychic and emotional health.   It engages the patients who drive their attitudes and the hygiene of their lives and who thus become truly responsible for the maintenance of their health.   

Many doctors, physiotherapists and osteopaths continue their education by attending Shiatsu schools, thus indicating that these disciplines are complementary.
Q4: What are the efforts expected of students for a formation?          
A4:  The costs are sown elsewhere in this website in specific documents.  Here, we address mainly the time a student should invest.  The first question in this FAQ provides a partial response to this question. 

From the moment students commit themselves to one of the formations provided by Qiseido, several manageable options become available:

a)Practice – Classes on Sundays, in rooms that enable practices on the ground and in classes that several students attend at the same time.  Review and reinforcement workshops are periodically offered on dates other that those established for the formation and that are posted on the internet. 

During the free workshops, open to the public, visitors can receive massages by the students under the supervision of an instructor or assistant.   

There are two validation levels:
-  the level of Family Shiatsu  or Relax Well-Being Shiatsu, exam to be taken at the end of the second year during which the manual pressure and principal chain of sequences are displayed      

-  the level of practitioner, which requires a) clinical classes with follow-up report, and b) personal research with an end of class written report allowing the verification of acquired knowledge.  After the exam is successfully passed students are now Shiatsu practitioners and can set up their businesses after acquiring commercial insurance.

b)Theory – Classes are interactives, contain a small number of students (maximum 10), communication is open, and many questions are often asked (how to effect pressure on a body, simulations of pathological situations, etc.  

To re-affirm class knowledge, a questionnaire (questions with various possible answers) or drawings with definitions to be provided by students are handed out at the next class.  The tests are corrected by the students present which facilitates reviews before the next class    

Reports by individual students of a subject of their choice and accepted by the instructor re-enforce the formation and further allow assimilation and deepen learning.  This exercise is a training session in preparation for studies of clinical cases and for the end of class written report which is presented by the student in front of the whole class which may be attended by visitors.  

Lastly, at the end of summer (to allow time to review), a final exam enables students to re-check and re-affirm knowledge (I have never heard the concept of “camion balai” in the US though many parades end with the clean-up crew.  ) which is evaluated on the sale principle as  the periodic tests but conducted in a firmer fashion.  

The final grades take prior test results into account.  

Students are reminded that evaluations are required for the professional qualification and are optional for those who study for personal development.

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