Our team

Trainers Team

Permanent School Trainers…
Michel JEANNE : Shiatsu instructor accredited by FFST, anatomy-physiology, traditional Chinese medicine, practitioner certificated by the FFST and the EST (Ecole de Shiatsu Thérapeutique * [School of Therapeutic Shiatsu]), member of the Pedagogical Committee of the FFST, responsible for the anatomy-physiology commission. 
He participates in the animation of “Pedagogy” and “Exam Procedures – Evaluate, evaluate oneself” internship sessions which are organized by the FFST for assistants and future trainers of FFST schools.  He also participates in juries to select future teachers.  He represents the FFST at the ISN (International Shiatsu Network). 
In addition, he is a Yoga Professor, practices Thai-yoga and martial arts.  He also possesses certificates of Chinese Dietetic and of Practitioner of Chinese Acupuncture and Energy from the IFM (***). 
He is registered as a Professional Formation Organism at the DIRECCTE IDF, referenced DATADOCK (OPCA) and DOKELIO Employment silo)
Assisted by:
Etsuko ADACHI (足立悦子)
Etsuko ADACHI (足立悦子)

Shiatsu practitioner. Certificated by the FFST and the EST (Ecole de Shiatsu Thérapeutique * [School of Therapeutic Shiatsu]).  She also practices Calligraphy, Tai Chi and Pottery

Practitioner of Shiatsu, certificated by the FFST and the Ecole “yoga and shiatsu” **.  He teaches Do, 2010, Shiatsu, 2012.  Ecole Shiki Shin Do.  He also practices Thai massage and martial arts.
Entre autres : 
  • Armand LOCRET, Acupuncture and martial arts
  • Hervé LIGOT, Practitioner of Shiatsu, President of the FFST, martial arts instructor ,
  • Claire VIANNEY, Shiatsu practitioner, responsible for the Pedagogical Committee of the FFST,
  • Miyoko OGISU LABLANQUIE (荻須ラブランキみよこ), Shiatsu practitioner Certificated by the FFST and the EST (Ecole de Shiatsu Thérapeutique * [School of Therapeutic Shiatsu]), Kôhô Shiatsu instructor,
  • Sylvie ALLARD, Shiatsu practitioner, member of the Pedagogical Committee of the FFST,
  • Dominique CHEVALIER, physiotherapist, Shiatsu practitioner, President of the FFST, director of the Zen Shiatsu School (Espace Aquitain in Bordeaux).
  • Philippe MARTIN, osteopath 
  • Ophélie GRAFFAN, osteopath
  • + And other assistants and companions
Roger MIREMONT, Michel JEANNE et Etsuko ADACHI (足立悦子)
(*) The Ecole de Shiatsu Thérapeutique, founded and led by Bernard BOUHERET, develops the SEI SHIATSU DO along the lines of KHOHO and HAKKO RYU.
(**) The Ecole “Yoga et Shiatsu” was founded and is led by Roland SAN SALVADOR on the NAKASONO style.
(***) Institut de Formation et de Maîtrise de l’Accupuncture (Dr Robert ALLARD)
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