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Our courses in Shiatsu

Training orientations

In the school, there are 2 orientations: one leads to the school exam, then the federal certification, and the other is much freer to organize as the participant wants.These courses are aimed at anyone wishing to discover Shiatsu, the body and Traditional Chinese Medicine or to perfect its knowledge.

If you work in the medical, paramedical or well-being field, you can enrich your knowledge with this Japanese approach to care.If you come from completely different horizons, the training will allow you to make Shiatsu a professional practice, or simply to do good around you, with family, with friends ...
Moreover, Shiatsu will provide you with a varied palette of everyday tools to maintain your health and take care of your balance: stretching, self-massage, diet, rhythm of life, presence to oneself ...
The participants are not required either to impose a rhythm that does not suit them; everyone finds in the teachings what he has come to seek, from the acquisition of knowledge, to a repositioning of the profession and its stages.
In all cases it is a path of personal accomplishment to complete his knowledge while discovering or deepening the cultural aspects of Franco-Japanese, such as calligraphy, or culinary specialties during meals taken in common.
This program, if initially aimed at those seeking official certification, likely to have professional opportunities, gives a frame of the pedagogy
Qiseido wants to be both:
Open to all

Those who wish to undertake a process of deepening, understanding and involvement with regard to health are welcome;
Anchored in Japanese culture and tradition:

Many participants and teachers practice Japanese martial arts and developments are planned in connection with writing, painting (Sumié) and Japanese calligraphy and kanji;
Inscribed in the holistic reading of Asian medicines

Including Indian (Ayurvedic), Chinese and Japanese, and the opportunity to discover the techniques of yoga, sophrology, Thai and Ayurvedic massages,

Thanks to an interactive pedagogy, in small groups, and in a vitality and a revival of the tradition. If the school is marked by the Koho style and therapeutic orientation, it also remains open to the different styles present in Japan (shikinshido, yin, Masunaga, Namikoshi, etc.). For example, the school hosts Japanese teachers, assistant-journeypersons in certification, students from other schools, etc.
Demanding and rigorous

Especially for people who plan to develop an economic activity around shiatsu. The certifying curriculum requires commitment and effort, of which the primary beneficiary is the student. The school issues a diploma and accompanies students who pass the federal examination organized by the FFST.
Reminder: If Shiatsu promotes good health, its purpose is not to replace a treatment or a medical consultation.

The programs

The Qiseido school offers you either to take a certification course to pass the exam of the school, then that of FFST, or to register in free training to follow the modules you want.
programmes de formation Qi Sei Do
Download the program
1st year

To know the theoretical bases of the Eastern energetics,
Family Shiatsu: Give a general toning Shiatsu by pressing palms and thumbs, stretching, supine and prone position.
2nd year

Complement and streamline the practices of the kata taught,Integrate the theory of Eastern energetics into a Shiatsu session,Master the theory and techniques necessary for a shiatsu adapted to the recipient.At the end of the first 2 years, participants in the FFST certification program will have passed the MTC and anat physio exams.
3rd year and 4th year

Being able to give a specific Shiatsu that meets the demand and needs of the recipient.Follow and participate in workshops on pathologies and actions to engage in different situations.Prepare for the practical and theoretical FFST exam,Be followed by a tutor with regular work sessions.

Exchanges with other schools are planned, to discover other techniques.
How does a practical course (anatomy / physiology / TCM) take place?

The course begins with the presentation of the theoretical bases, accompanied by a written training support. Students can ask their question throughout this presentation. For TCM, the focus will then be on playful exercises to help take ownership and apply new concepts in shiatsu practice. For anatomy / physiology, we will then focus on the palpatory approach to better visualize to better use what has just been taught.
How is a Shiatsu Practical Course?

The session begins with a warm-up, using the techniques of Do-in, Qi Gong, Japanese Taisos. It continues with demonstrations and practices at two of the techniques, with simultaneous correction by the teacher and the assistants. Students ask questions about the particular points of the techniques. Exercises and circumstances review aspects of TCM, anatomy and physiology.

It is recommended to each participant to have his own material for the workshops (carpet or futon, zafus, towel, tenugui or bandana, ...). We will advise you on your choices.

Shiatsu workshops

Training in Shiatsu practice is concrete and applied.12 Sundays of the year are devoted to learning techniques, their development, and therapeutic application via real clinical cases.Students are invited to bring all of their classes (personal notes and books on Shiatsu, TCM, anatomy, physiology)
Before proceeding with the practical teaching, a warm-up and the conditioning of the body use the techniques of Tai Shi and Qi Gong, traditional Taiso, Makko Ho, Yoga, Do In, etc ...
The practice of Shiatsu is physically demanding in order to allow gestures at once assured and precise, positions respecting the body, pressures that will not interfere with the practitioner's finger joints. It is also an opportunity to review the courses of anatomy, physiology and TCM
The soft clothes allow easy movement and a good perception of the body on palpation. Students are equipped with a tenugui (Japanese personal fabric) that will be used in particular for the care of the head and face.Perfect hygiene is required.
The practices are done, as in the tradition, on the ground, on carpets and futons.
To install a patient with all the necessary comfort (cushions, blankets, zafus, etc ...)
To identify possible body imbalances or posture and to implement the different technical gestures taught
To adopt and make fluid the different postures that will allow them to perform a Shiatsu both sensitive and effective
After a demonstration by the teacher, of a technical sequence of Shiatsu, the students put themselves on the ground to realize the technique taught.The teachers comment and correct the positions, the pressures, the precision of the gestures, throughout the sequencesAt the end of the sequence, the comments are expressed and additional precisions given before inversion of the roles between pupils.Throughout the session, reminders of physiology, anatomy and TCM allow a review of knowledge in an applied manner.
The technical gestures apply to the different parts of the body and a specific attention is paid to the quality of the postures, the precision of the gestures and the sensitivity of the pressures.In order to verify the effectiveness of the treatment, the students also receive instruction to perform an energy balance according to the principles of TCM before the treatment and at the end of the sequence.In addition to the Shiatsu training workshops, students are invited to work outside the class with peers, relatives and friends, who will benefit from the generous care provided.
Graduate students who have a real technical Shiatsu are required to submit clinical cases that correspond to a follow-up of people treated over several sessions.

Teaching in anatomy, physiology, pathologies

Why study anatomy?
Knowledge of the body helps to better understand what we have under the fingers (muscles, tendons, vertebrae, ...), to have landmarks to find the meridians and the appropriate points, to ask questions and, in general, to better understand the functioning of the body (his own and that of the receiver), large apparatus and organs.

The theoretical foundations of traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine are provided in parallel with shiatsu classes. They offer a specific reading of the knowledge of the human body and its relationship with its environment.
The study of anatomy-physiology is not mandatory (except in the framework of the certifying training of the FFST French Federation of Traditional Shiatsu).
Can one study shiatsu without burdening oneself with the study of anatomy?
This teaching is fundamental. How to pretend to act on a body if one does not want to take the trouble to know it in its principles of organization and elementary functioning?
Studying anatomy is boring, you have to learn by heart.
School students have passed school age. The teaching of this important knowledge must be adapted.At Qiseido, we have developed a particular approach.
"I hear, I forget. I see, I remember. I do, I understand.Confucius

It is about understanding how the body works, by acquiring essentially practical knowledge, like palpatory exercises, by the use of adapted teaching materials, by the implication of the participants. In Qiseido, as in Japan, the teaching of anatomy, physiology and pathology is provided in specific courses, combining discovery, testimonials, research, demonstration, before being relayed and integrated into the practical sequences of shiatsu.
The sessions
New: This year the sessions are held on Saturday mornings, before the seminars.
It is possible to participate in a simple session, a group of 3 sessions on the same theme, or to register for 12 sessions (spread over 4 monthly courses), which allows continuity, more global knowledge, better homogeneity group and an optimized tariff.

Rates and conditions

Annual registration
• Shiatsu practice (12 classes from 9.30am to 5pm): 980 €
• Anatomy / body mechanics: 300 €
• Physiology: 300 €
• Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM): 300 €
• By registering for the Shiatsu Practice Year, you benefit from preferential rates:
◦ Shiatsu practice
◦ + 1 module: 1190 €
◦ + 2 modules: 1415 €
◦ + 3 modules: 1625 €
• You can pay in 1 or 3 times by check or cash: 1st check of 50% + 2nd check of 35% + 3rd check of 15%
One-time participation for a course
• Shiatsu practice: 120 €
• Anatomy / body mechanics or physiology or MTC: 55 €


Attention : training schedule Anatomy and Physiology updated on December 23rd.
Note : inversion of courses of modules 5 and 6 to take into account the lymphatic drainage seminar

The dates planned for the next monthly internships are as follows:
programme stages 2017 2018

Qiseido reserves the right to adjust these dates at least 1 month in advance. The places of internship in Paris will be specified for each internship, at the same time as the date. The dates and venues of the thematic seminars will also be posted on the site several months in advance. The Stage Shiatsu and Pain is scheduled for Saturday, March 11, 2017. Free workshops outside the courses are possible to organize between students and assistants.

The team of trainers

Michel JEANNE: Certified FFST teacher in shiatsu, anatomy-physiology-pathology, Practitioner certified FFST and Shiatsu Therapeutic School *, member of the Pedagogical Committee of the FFST.He takes part in the animation of the "Pedagogy" and "Evaluate, evaluate" courses organized by the FFST for the assistants and future trainers of the schools of the FFST and the selection boards of the future professors. He participates in the relations of the FFST with the ISN (International Shiatsu Network).
He is also a yoga teacher and also practices Thai-yoga massage and martial arts. He is trained in acupuncture and Chinese dietetics.
Registered as a training organization by the Directed IdF.
Assisted by:
Etsuko ADACHI (足立悦子)
Etsuko ADACHI (足 立 悦子)

Shiatsu practitioner. Certified FFST and EST (Shiatsu Therapeutic School *), also practices Calligraphy, Tai Chi, Pottery.

Shiatsu practitioner, FFST certified, School "yoga and shiatsu" **. Teacher in Do In, 2010, shiatsu 2012. School Shiki Shin Do. Also practice Thai massage and martial arts.
Among others:
  • Armand LOCRET, Acupuncture and Martial Arts
  • Hervé LIGOT, shiatsu practitioner, president of the FFST, professor of Martial Arts,
  • Claire VIANNEY, shiatsu practitioner, head of the Pedagogical Committee of the FFST,
  • Miyoko OGISU LABLANQUIE (荻 須 ラ ブ ラ キ キ み よ よ こ), Shiatsu Practitioner. Certified FFST and EST (School of Shiatsu Therapeutics *), Kôhô Shiatsu Teacher,
  • Sylvie ALLARD, shiatsu practitioner, member of the Pedagogical Committee of the FFST,
  • Dominique CHEVALIER, physiotherapist, shiatsu practitioner, President of the FFST, director of the Zen Shiatsu Espace Aquitain school in Bordeaux.
  • Philippe MARTIN, Osteopath
  • + Visiting assistants as part of the companionship.
Roger MIREMONT, Michel JEANNE et Etsuko ADACHI (足立悦子)
* * The School of Shiatsu Therapeutics, founded and directed by Bernard BOUHERET, develops the SEI SHIATSU DO, on the line KOHO and HAKKO RYU.
** School "yoga and shiatsu" was founded and directed by Roland San Salvador, on the style of NAKASONO Sensei.

Presentations and seminars

Each year, students are free to work on one or more lecture topics. They will be monitored by the teacher and will be supported in April or May. This is an opportunity to deepen and progress on the subject that interests you and it is a good training in the defense of memory required for the examination of the FFST.
We offer complementary thematic seminars, organized in Paris or in the provinces, with speakers or external speakers of notoriety. They are open to students of the School, as well as to external participants.
In projects:
  • The chiropractor: principles and initiation to the first acts. In resonance with physiology classes on the back and the nervous system
  • Lymphatic drainage: principles and initiation to the first gestures. In resonance with physiology courses on the lymphatic and immune system
  • The osteopath: continuation of the thematic seminars of recent years with the approaches of the back, the pelvis, the skull
  • TCM feeding cycle: nutrition as a tool for well-being and health
  • Pregnant woman, pregnancy, partum and postpartum
  • Chronobiology and body rhythms
  • The meeting between the scientific news of Genetics and the notion of Jing in TCM
  • Residential seminar to deepen the program
Past seminars:
  • Pain and its different forms, with Dominique Chevalier, physiotherapist, President of the FFST
  • Ampuku and Ho Sha with Haruhiko MASUNAGA Sensei (Yukai Tokyo)
  • The Visceral Entities with Armand LOCRET Acupuncturist
  • Foot reflexology with Marie José GIACCOBBI
  • The Woman and her cycles, with Sylvie ALLARD
  • Back Cards, with interventions by Sophie Alet (Toulouse), Audrey Eisenhower (on her return from Japan), Philippe Martin and Alban Orin, Osteopaths
  • The Extraordinary Vessels or Wonderful Meridians, with Claire VIANNEY, sophrologist, FFST teacher, head of the FFST pedagogical committee,
  • Lombs and pelvis, accessory vascular waves (OVA), Fryette's law ..., cranial maneuvers, with Philippe Martin osteopath,

Conviviality and warm atmosphere of the group

Conviviality and warm atmosphere of the group
 "During the 2 seminars I hosted for the Qiseido school, I appreciated the atmosphere and the conviviality that diffuses the group, in parallel with its application and its curiosity. This group does not only share meals on a picnic. These are precious qualities to evoke delicate subjects like those attached to the 8 Wonderful Ships ".
Claire VIANNEY, practitioner and teacher, Head of the Pedagogical Committee of the FFST
A laboratory school, enterprising and innovative
"In Qiseido School, when I hosted my pain seminar, I found an attentive and curious audience. I salute this pedagogical ambition built on requirements of quality, rigor, at the same time as openness. Qiseido is also a laboratory where students are involved in teaching and its openness. Such a project fits into the perspectives of the FFST. "
Dominique CHEVALIER, practitioner and teacher, President of the FFST.
Intellectual thirst and desire to study
"I enrolled at this school on the base and luck.Michel has a real intellectual thirst and shares it with strength and intensity. He was able to frame me intelligently in my research and gave me the desire to study. It is an investment of time and energy that I do not regret.
It was 2 years humanly rich and it now helps me in my daily life to be more sensitive and generous. "
Mathieu, 3rd year student
An opening on other practices
"It's been three years since I've been in Qiseido School to talk about concrete practices of osteopathy. The teaching of physiology anatomy in school greatly facilitates my interventions. I found at every opportunity a motivating attention and interest. "
Philippe MARTIN, Osteopath - PARIS.
A caring and attentive individual accompaniment
"After 3 years in my first school I had to prepare my certification. Within Qiseido it's another style than the one I was trained. I found a personalized support to help me prepare my dissertation, my case studies and my practical test. I was able to appreciate not only a new practice but also a welcome, in a complete teaching where the whole of useful knowledge is diffused, in parallel with the practice of an efficient and demanding style. "
Florence, Student candidate for federal certification.
Une pédagogie en petits groupes
« J’ai trouvé avec Qiseido un enseignement en petit groupe, permettant une attention portée à chaque élève, complet et engagé. Chaque élève est sollicité, motivé et participe de façon active à l’enseignement dans la mesure de ses moyens. L’enseignement intégré des différentes matières leur donne synergie et cohérence. » 
Joelle, Élève depuis 4 années - LAUSANNE, Suisse
L’élève praticien et son entourage sont les premiers bénéficiaires
« J’ai trouvé avec Qiseido un cadre d’enseignement particulier. Donner des soins aux autres m'intéresse bien sûr et c'est la raison pour laquelle je me suis inscrite à la formation. Mais je m'aperçois aussi  qu'en tant qu’élève nous sommes les premiers bénéficiaires de ces soins donnés, reçus. Les postures façonnent notre corps et notre gestuelle. Elles sont directement thérapeutiques. Et dans les séances nous recevons aussi beaucoup de la part de nos camarades. Ainsi, nous profitons en quelque sorte de séances de massages gratuites puisqu'incluses dans notre formation et nous en faisons bénéficier nos proches lorsque nous pratiquons sur eux ce que nous apprenons en cours ! ». 
Virginie, Élève de 1ère année.
Doser sa formule d’apprentissage et ses efforts de façon libre
« Je voulais apprendre le shiatsu, mais je ne voulais pas m’engager dans un programme lourd sur plusieurs années, n'étant pas disponible pour l'instant pour des cours théoriques, comme la médecine chinoise ou l’anatomie et la physiologie. Avec Qiseido j’ai pu trouver cette formule très libre. Pour l’instant j’y trouve mon compte, à la fois sur le plan financier et sur mon budget de temps libre. Je me constitue un premier bagage théorique à travers la pratique ; viendra en temps voulu la consolidation, quand je pourrai dégager plus de temps pour les cours et le travail personnel.
Sabine, Élève de 1ère année.

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